Cracked on a bit this morning, trying to get that long list of things to do down a bit.
Base plates, FR tube mounts, FR jig blocks and FR unit spacers |
- Cut the mounting plates out
- That was ok - bit wobbly with the jig saw but not too bad.
- Chopped out the FR mounting blocks, FR unit spacers and fitting jig blocks
- Not too bad - using the big circular saw which is always a bit hairy!
- Got the woofer tubes to fit in the bases - didn't take too much more work, so they're a tight fit, which is what we're after
- Trimmed up the bases
- Got them lined up on the marks, clamped them and then screwed them together first
- Did this with my electric plane - a wonderful bit of kit! Took off 0.5 mm per pass, so didn't go too mad
- Sanding these MDF parts seems to work ok BUT you need a really good mask - I have one!
- Glued and screwed back together
- Trimmed up the mounting plates
- This was not so successful! Managed to take a big chunk out of one of them with the power plane, so the rear of one of them is at a bit of an angle. Hopefully it won't show too much. I could make a new part but...
- Matched up the mounting blocks
- Hand tools are crap really - the circular saw had not done an especially good job of keeping straight (like it's its fault...) and these needed a bit of work!
- Drilled lots of holes
- FR mounting blocks, including the wiring holes - these were tricky and needed a second go because I hadn't held the piece sufficiently stable so the holes weren't parallel
- Bases - wiring holes
- Mounting plates, including wiring holes
- speakon socket holding screw holes - tricky, too close to the edge in fragile MDF on one side, so a bit dodgy, hope they'll be ok
- Took some time finding Speakon socket attachment screws, used some #4 18mm ones which seem ok
There was lots of time spent looking for things, cleaning up the horrendous dust as I went, moving things around and so on - I worked out the front in the sun, so I could watch the front of the house while I wait for Amazon to deliver a Kritical Kristmas Konsideration, and also minimise dust transfer. Drank zero (0) cups of tea, had zero (0) wees.
Learning Points
- Drill press is really good, but you need to work quite hard at holding the work steady; use more clamps in future!
- MDF is utter shyte and very delicate; I dropped one piece and there is a big ding in the edge now, and generally it's incredibly easy to mark. I don't know how I would prevent this, other than having a proper workshop and being completely meticulous - oh that's how you do it!
- If there's some way to cut 2 pieces so they are exactly the same, I need to know what it is; considered various approaches e.g. cutting them all as one, but that's not really possible with a hand tool
- When planing edges that are substantially smaller than the bottom plate, put some longer sacrificial material on each side and clamp to support plane before it reaches the piece, otherwise it might come in at a funny angle ;-)
- DO NOT scrimp on masks - I spent £25 on this one, with renewable filters; fits really well, and you can breathe very easily through it
Possible Issues
- Because I've put the speaker-end connectors on the wires, I'll have to thread them through the various holes from what is frequently the longer end - bummer. It might be worth cutting them off, getting some more connectors and doing it again - except the man at the SotB said I'd bought the last of them!
- I haven't got any satisfactory candidates for the FR tube alignment screws - maybe #6-1" or similar would be good, Pozidrive so I don't slip and gouge the tube!