OK, it's been a couple of days. I can't do a proper A/B/X double-blind test, because I don't have the gear, so I've been just kind of socialising myself with everything. I have Radio 3 on , which I like a lot, they play lots of interesting live recordings with real s-p-a-c-e in them from places like Wigmore Hall. The music plays most of the day, and I either sit and listen or go about my usual stuff - this is pretty much what I usually do anyway! Because I've left them long enough, I can't recall which ones are working, so I try to guess (or perhaps work it out would be better).
Yes, it's that non-obvious. Maybe it's the kind of music. But the LXMinis seem to have a more holographic projection of the stereo field, with individuals in, say, an opera, almost standing out from the background. The Kiis seem more flat, but much more accurate. There's a kind of "phasiness" about the LXMinis if you move around them, presumably because of their much greater extraneous dispersion, reflections off the front wall etc., but this goes away as you move into the area of the listening position. The Kiis utterly kick ass (technical term) in every possible dynamic and response respect, but the LXMinis don't leave anything out either.
I've had a couple of interesting experiences:
Yes, it's that non-obvious. Maybe it's the kind of music. But the LXMinis seem to have a more holographic projection of the stereo field, with individuals in, say, an opera, almost standing out from the background. The Kiis seem more flat, but much more accurate. There's a kind of "phasiness" about the LXMinis if you move around them, presumably because of their much greater extraneous dispersion, reflections off the front wall etc., but this goes away as you move into the area of the listening position. The Kiis utterly kick ass (technical term) in every possible dynamic and response respect, but the LXMinis don't leave anything out either.
I've had a couple of interesting experiences:
- Wife and I listened to Ashkenazy's 60s recording of Chopin Nocturnes on the Kiis, prior to setting up both sets, so I couldn't compare them. I wouldn't have anyway - this was utterly jaw-dropping. We were both in tears - no, really, we were hanging on every single note, the incredible skill and musicality of Vlad, blah blah blah, I'll stop now before I lose it! Pianos are amazing.
- I've been listening to Iggy Pop's Post-Pop Depression from 2016, having seen the American Valhalla film of its making. Again, this was prior to comparison capability. Hearing it on the Kiis I actually "understood" it in a way I haven't before - it's very, er, brutal in some respects, and pretty full on, and the Kiis just unpeeled it and laid it out in front of me. Even the vocals were clearer and more comprehensible! Weird. But good.
Of course, these mean nothing really, because I can't control for my emotional state, hormones, physical tiredness etc etc. But if it isn't about an emotional experience, what is it about? That's all I got into all this for!
But I also recall being astounded in similar ways, albeit with different drivers, when I first heard the newly constructed LXMinis. Their stereo presentation was incredibly engaging, rendering the sound of a hall with people and instruments in a way I'd only glimpsed with my Quads previously.
The jury is out. I'll get Taiji Dave to come round for a listen - I've promised to play him the whole of Queen Live at Wembley '85!