After the first flush of excitement about the Roon product, with its relatively nice interface, browsing capability and nicely serendipitous random feature, I realised it requires the Roon server device to be up and running for stuff to play. The RoonBridge is not a renderer like the Rune software, it's more like a passive player, in that the Roon Server sends it the bits to be played, rather than it autonomously fetching them. This is a PitA, especially if one doesn't have a handy box to run Roon Server on - it's running on my laptop which can be up, down, sideways, or 1000 miles away. RS doesn't run on my RPi3, although to be fair it would run on an Intel Linux box, were I to be arsed to get one.
So when Roon told me my free sub would expire on 16 March, I wasn't too fussed. Not at $500 lifetime, or $119/year, for something that requires more effort to get running. I quite like the smarter Rune/Volumio devices, they can source any standard format, and they work with Tidal and various uPnP Control applications. Tough luck Roon.
So when Roon told me my free sub would expire on 16 March, I wasn't too fussed. Not at $500 lifetime, or $119/year, for something that requires more effort to get running. I quite like the smarter Rune/Volumio devices, they can source any standard format, and they work with Tidal and various uPnP Control applications. Tough luck Roon.